Thursday, January 18, 2007

what am i doing?

this question has presented itself on a number of occasions in the last 24 hours. i have found no answers.

i am delving into myself. i want to learn. i want to find all of things i have hidden away in all of the dark corners. i wish to blow off the dust and look at these old treasures with new eyes...with a new perspective in this new time. i wonder what i will do with them now. now that i have so many new strengths.

at this moment, there is a sadness draping my thoughts. its presence is felt but not overpowering. i am trying use it to some advantage. ideally i would like to gain some perspective. this is me being optimistic. i am always being optimistic. i never want to offend anyone. i am always accomodating of everyone else's needs. i am nice.

why? what? why am i school? why am in portland? what am i doing now? what am i doing with my life? why am i here?

1 comment:

Arlord said...

hey morgan

why am i in hungary?
why am i in hungary?

because its szep nagyon szep.

i just remembered our bloggity promise sorry its been so long. can we be electronic friends?
is everything okay?
how are the boys?
im going to link to yer blog from mine. jo estat kivanok.